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Environment Matters
Preservation of the natural environment is one of the PCA's main objectives. The PCA works with a number of committees to protect our beautiful coastal town. The Beach Committee have been working for the past number of years to enhance our local coastline. We have worked successfully with Fingal County Council to regain Blue Flag status for our beach.
Portmarnock Beach Committee
In 2012 the PCA in conjunction with the Beach Committee carried out an extensive project to remove Giant Hogweed from land in and around Portmarnock. The project with funding from the Heritage Council proved a great success.
Part of the group who got together to clean up the beach and dunes.
Others had already started on various sites around Portmarnock notably around the P.S.L.C playing fields and along Wendell Ave. where scholars drop papers and cans from their lunch/snacks.
The rubbish bag below illustrates a selection of the rubbish collected from the beach. It is mainly from the tide-line at this time of year although there were many cigarette butts near the shelter.
Later in the year visitors leave rubbish behind, including dirty nappies.
The larger rubbish is mainly plastic bits of ropes with some plastic rings from bottles and many cotton bud sticks.
Plastics break down in water to tiny particles which are ingested by sea creatures, large and small. They kill whales, turtles and sea birds. If small enough they are incorporated into the fish we humans eat and enter our food chain.

Giant Hogweed
In 2012 and 2013 with a grant from the Heritage Council and the management of Hans Visser from Fingal Co. Co. Giant Hogweed, an extremely dangerous invasive species, from along the Sluice Stream from Kinsaley to Baldoyle Bay.
The work had to be undertaken by experts with fully sealed protective suits since the sap from the plants inflicts burns and makes affected skin photosensitive.
Although the plants have largely been eliminated, it is important we are vigilant to ensure that they do not return.